
QG Jeune takes reproductive health for adolescents and young people digital


This Friday 30 March 2018 saw the official launch ceremony of the QG Jeunes platform in the conference room of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). QG Jeune is a digital platform designed by TICANALYSE to inform and raise awareness among young people about sexual and reproductive health.The ceremony took place under the auspices of Pr. Stanislas OUARO, Minister in charge of National Education and Dr. Edwige Adekambi Domingo, outgoing UNFPA Resident Representative.

According to a report published in 2015 by the Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie (INSD), a third of the population in Burkina Faso is young. These young people have limited access to sexual and reproductive health services and information. This is reflected in the very high fertility rate of 23.8% in 2010 for teenagers aged 15 to 19.

To remedy this situation, UNFPA, in partnership with the Kingdom of Belgium and as part of its country programme, has devised a project linking sexual and reproductive health services to communication and information technologies. The project was designed with input from the main stakeholders, namely young people themselves and the ministries responsible for health, the family, youth and education.

QG Jeune, the name of the platform at the heart of the project in question, was launched at the end of its technological implementation on Friday 30 March 2018. The official launch of the QG Jeune platform was attended by very delighted and motivated young people.

Screenshot from

An innovation, the first of its kind to put Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) at the service of Health and Education, QG jeune is a platform designed by young people's national expertise called TICANALYSE, an IT engineering and support consultancy firm specialising in digital transformation. This tool for young people and by young people is designed to be user-friendly and tailored to its target audience (young people), while taking into account the challenges they face.

            QG Jeune on smartphone

This is why the platform has been designed to be accessible in a variety of technological forms: website, mobile application, telephone call to the short number "3424" to keep everyone connected. From now on, a simple click on the address The new website opens the door to a range of modules on the platform, each more interesting than the last. These modules include courses developed by health professionals, educational and awareness-raising videos on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), tools to help manage the environment, prevent and manage conflict within society, a discussion forum, quizzes and a Youth Dictionary.

To promote the proper use of the platform, the TICANALYSE team was present at the launch ceremony to provide further explanations on the practical use of the tool and all its functionalities. The event was very well attended by young people from the capital, the towns of Fada N'Gourma and Tenkodogo, which were chosen as the areas for the effective launch of the platform, which will be used throughout the country and even beyond our borders in the years to come.

This long-term vision is a source of great satisfaction to the entire audience, but even more so to the young and dynamic TICANALYSE team, whose prowess has added another stone to the emergence of Information and Communication Technologies in the service of development in Burkina Faso.

See course below:


