
Launch of U Report Burkina: Mission accomplished for TICANALYSE


On 31 March 2016 at 4pm at the Palais de la jeunesse et de la culture Jean-Pierre GUIGANE, His Excellency the Minister for Youth and Employment, the resident representative of Unicef, officially launched the exchange platform "young people for young people and with young people" called U-REPORT Burkina Faso.

The U-REPORT project is being implemented in some fifteen countries around the world, particularly in Africa. Millions of connected young people and teenagers answer questions free of charge by SMS, and in this way convey their concerns and those of their communities to governments, decision-makers and donors at community, regional and national level.

The Youth Palace was packed to the rafters for the launch. The population, and in this case the young people, did not haggle over their mobilisation. They all wanted to find out about this new platform, which they said would finally give them a voice.

The technical implementation of U Report was naturally entrusted to a young company and was designed and operated by a young team. Ticanalyse, in partnership with Unicef Burkina, carried the project through to completion. Ticanalyse is a digital engineering company offering innovative solutions for the development sector. Its Managing Director, Mr Rouamba, was present at the launch to explain how the system works. After his presentation, the Director of Ticanalyse left it to the Minister to launch the first survey. In front of a packed "Jean Pierre GUIGANE", this first survey was conclusive.

So U-Report Burkina has been launched, and mission accomplished for Ticanalyse. Now it's up to the population to get to grips with this technology, which is a real guarantee of development for our country.

